9. International Conference on PhD Research in Language Teaching Methodology, Linguistics and Literary studies


The schedules of individual sections have been uploaded to Programme sub-pages.

The conference starts at 8.45 in the section Linguistics A, on Thursday, May 11 2023 with the opening speech by Prof. Vajičková and Prof. Domokos. After that, we will split into Teams calls according to the schedules of individual sections. Links to individual Teams calls are accessible through the Programme pages.

For each speaker, there is a 15min window for the speech (presentation) to be delivered. It is split into ca. 10min for the main presentation + ca. 5min for a short discussion. A standard academic .ppt presentation is expected to cover the background of the problem, identification of the research gap, data analysis and results, conclusions and implications.

To see how to share the screen in MS Teams, click here.
We prefer using the 'Screen' mode. Make sure you have your presentation software open and ready, while all sensitive content is closed.




The Institute of Philological Studies (Faculty of Education, Comenius University) is pleased to host the 9th edition of the conference for PhD students. The aim of the conference is to create a forum for doctoral students to present their research in the field of philology with a focus on the didactics of foreign languages and literature, including Slovak as a foreign language, as well as on foreign languages and cultures.

You are kindly invited to submit abstracts for papers related to 

  • Language teaching methodology
  • Linguistics
  • Literary studies
  • Language in interdisciplinary research

The conference will be held on-line. MS Teams links for individual sections link will be uploaded the day before the conference.



Registration fee

The conference is free of charge for both speakers and audience.




Abstracts for oral presentations (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion) should be submitted no later than 7 April 2023. Notifications will be given by 12 April 2023.

Following the conference, the Institute has the proceedings published in the transactions series Philological Studies. These consist of selected papers presented during the conference (the presenters decide whether they want to submit their paper and the scientific committee considers each submitted paper), and papers submitted without participating.



Key dates

7 April 2023   Abstract submission deadline

12 April 2023   17 April Notification of acceptance (postponed due to prolonged                                                       deadline for submitting abstracts) 

13 April 2023   18 April 2023 Registration (postponed due to prolonged deadline for                                                  submitting abstracts) 

11 May 2023   Conference



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